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Supervivientes    Supervivencia de Equipo    Caza del terrorista(Coop)    Terrorist Hunt Advanced    
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UbinameNicks usados
alpenyeti2206OS*Speedy(AUT), plane_front_doo, middle, other_side, X-Cone, OS**********, tower, pyramide, go_tv, ROOF, go_back, Speedy(AUT), outside, shoot_barrels, cells_undergrou, pipi, go_down, up, ggz_cyaaaaaaa, im_with_ya, shoutbox!, UP_sawz, RESTART, go_up, Volbeat, near_spawn, Yeti, Austrian_Stalli, MT-07, hinter_dir, auf_dir
Overall43 31 983 165 16% 74 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 1.39 Score: 1339
AngelOffDeathos*slayer, slayer, Djago, box_above_b, os*mr.oni, darkhorse, heyjigmisya
Overall26 16 675 53 7% 48 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 1.62 Score: 1099
chrisplayer007Speedy(AUT), ground_floor, 2_on_crane, Nooby(AUT), Speedy(AUT)+, S*****(***), go_back, Snooby(AUT), roof, I_love_ya, ladder, outside_car, behind_truck, first_floor, OS*Speedy(AUT), inside_stairs, outside, OS*Speddy(AUT), OS*OnisPinki, votekick_ONIIII, muhahahaha, Red, Black, Green(horn), OS*Pffffff(AUT), himterm_gitter, OS*Bock, OS*Bergziege, OS*Freu, OS*Pfffffff, Bruce_S, OS*El_Greco, OS*EURettungssc, OS*3:1_Greece, OS*BRUCE, ggz, spawn_, 1st_floor, Onis_noodle, tiger, Skunk, Earthworm, Wimp, Glowworm, LongTailedmonke, Cockroach, Turtle, Moth, Speedo, Chicken_Wings, OS*The_Animal, Heart_of_the_Al, Heartofthealps, Dumpty, AUSTRIA, Geilo, @spawn_helliiii, big_tank, Sigmund_Freud, yeah, up, green_up, Hannibal, MANSON, gollum, ÖßY, Oni........, Ösex, schaam.Haar, scharm.haar, OS*Speedy´sOni
Overall66 46 1075 135 12% 125 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 1.43 Score: 1925
darkwimmyGannef, ontopofthestair, Vrijdag8uur, firetruck, First_building, WhereIdied
Overall10 534 64 11% 23 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 1.11 Score: 476
DeltaBravoEightSixTwo, lift_on_it_way_, Six, behind_u, typesuicideinco, behind_at_spawn, fish_above, oh_snap, 7_left, 2_mins_left, roofs_near_arch, 1_in_gym, SixToO, brb_smoke, 3_mins_left, top_floor, brb, retard, 2_mins, above_u_ffs, bottomRGTofmap, np, 1_more, roof_left, 1_outside, gobacktoilet, Mosq, 9, womenbeater, LMFAO, there_Central, THAT_DID_IT_XD, MIDDLE_STAIRS, SixTwo_, GOTMILK..., in_the_spaceshi, GOTMILK...., catwalk, Spawn_roof, 2_above_u, 1_min_left, brb_cofffee, SíxTwóO, my_fault, BELOW_U, SpawnWireFence, above_u, SixTó, TeamKiller_2.0, PíSTOLPéTE, S, NO_PLANKING, behind_you, church_office, Bugged_No_Tango, Binary, rooftops, basement_HEAVY, SpecOps, underground, roof, take_time, my_dead_body_xD, StragglerAtSpaw, 3_mins_, Above_u_clown, lower_other_way, Rollin_smoke, belowuknives, Basement, MuthaLicka, CHECK_LEFT_HUTS, Clear_till_brid, check_JUMBOJET, wait_for_others, Take_ur_time, go_back, Hmm_someone_gho, Below, 2_more_ladders, SpeOps, on_moutain_top, its_clear_saw, spec, X_marksSPOT, TwoMinsLeft, at_ur_feet, go_to_tunnel, showroom, Aquaman, OutSide_clear, DontDIEkrow, zulu_when_hot, 36terrorleft, OnGiantSpaceSHi, PressG-MAP, LOVEUSQUEEKS, nearspaceship, nearYellowVan, middlebottom, Middle, consolesuicide, SpecOps_, ontheFLOOR, on_floor_behind, SpecOp, useprimary, MYbad, DOWN_1_LEVEL, yellow_light_cl, oneMoreothersid, lefttango, behind_u_rum, doing_good_guys, saiddontNADE, 14_left, WTF_, restart_, Toiletdownstair, Krowonfloorleft, SexOp, kesiaboveYou, SpecOsp, lessthannothing, nade_spwnfence, G4tourguide, Howardyes, belowU3rdflr, Up_Ladder, LASTGUYLOWER, get_my_boots, very_top, rooof, PRESS_G_4_map, tunnels, SexOps, SpecFlops, GoDownLadder, GGs_, SpecOsp_, Killed4PianoSki, PrePeteBurns, SPAWN, rum_there, PHONEBRB, SpE, thats_a_man, FAR_AT_SEA, watch_rear, STRIP_CLUB, top, LastNearSpacesh, SpecOcopter, crawl_in_tunnme, 1st_floor, behing_u, popsLovesHandcu, 1minmeetMIDDLE, Move_30sec, clear_road, ALT, Spec_Ops, RUMFARRIGHT, _, MOSQUE_, crane, Secret_upper, HCEMotors, BRBSmoke, Shops, TopFloor, OTHERSDIEWALL, JohnWick, go_for_swim, LP_behindCAR, OUTBOUNDCARS, 2Above, beside_u, Rhombus, goback_ladder_d, warehouse, Roof_Basement, Budzilla, 3rdfloor, 10_secs, spawncamp, Outside, left, pyramid, BelowBigTUNNEL, ITS_A_LIFT, clear_kel, HANGERDOORS, all_inside, 1_uptoptwin, Taketime, 30_SECONDS, TIMEOVER, Spawn_AREA, Meatshield, You_Can_Do_IT!], Kinky, Klinky, KochOps, Bathroom, Klaus, carry_on_bro, 1.30_min, GGS, one_below_u, garage, IN_GRASSTENT, Tnagosupstairs, back_door, Lol_krow, SpecOops, ggs_oni, 1stfloorbehinds, pffices, Alexithymia, SugarPlumFairy, 30_tango_left
Overall57 13 22% 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 1.00 Score: 102
Dovahkiin8792Dovahkiin, 4backoutside, whatthefuck, nofuckingway, Bb, onleft, middlehousedown, lastinsidewall, Dovahkiinn, you_got_this, very_top, Kovahkiin, 3_on_the_fridge, house_by_spawn, outside, central_hallway, negative, more_front, center, about_time_suck, spawn_on_left, 1_back, finish_it, 1st_house, tunnel, Hangar, brb_in_a_few, back, no__1_there_sni, top, brb, toilet_02, middle, top_by_piano, behind, back_street, last_house, INeedHelp!, BurningDova, spawnhouse, LoneWolf, yup, up, DovaChristmas, tunnels, 1st_building, friendly_tango
Overall22 14 532 93 17% 34 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 1.57 Score: 1031
DrChewDergehirnfileti, DrChew, JOHNDOE
Overall22 0% 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 0.00 Score: 0
Overall10 0% 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 0.00 Score: 0
Goose_385Goose, Archimède, Hautpoul
Overall14 69 10 14% 16 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 0.21 Score: 48
goosman1(ooper, Dante, Nike, Psyco|0, hanz, Primo., Igir.Dru|l, |CoLd|VamP!re, Mago|, Maggo1, Andy|Cap, spirit, bob, bo|lito, CoLd, |angouste, _____°*°, tarem, mosC, mosC|°, jasper|act, tca|repsaj, JOHNDOE, actors, muligan, Servus, Cesar, rufus, mullet, Seth, Crops, IT, tabloid, servus|rog, gulliver, mac::donald^, Igir|drull, red|bull, frt, Carnivore, octagon, pool, DERP, Caziel, Murdoc, jack, CoLd.jack, Marcus, amalgame, mars, Plague, obo
Overall105 12 11% 13 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 1.00 Score: 208
GrinDcoreMaster¦§¤§¦SexySonnen, The.SrgteSexY, The.Srgte.SexY, SonnenRitter, The.Doped.SexY, The.Srgte.SEXÄY, Dave_Gahan
Overall131 20 15% 16 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 1.40 Score: 293
jacobr220JOHNDOE, greenriver10
Overall22 0% 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 0.00 Score: 0
Kill_666Switch{T3XAS}R3BAL, A.TXchickenHawk
Overall46 12 26% 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 0.50 Score: 52
krowolaKrowola, kill_urself, middle_stairwel, now_climb_pole, Roof, go_back, btm_left_spawn, one_up_ladder, middle_stairs, run_n_gun, spawn_up, up, up_from_u, up_stairs, under_ground, shooting_area, room_frt_house, under_u, garage, top_1st_buildin, upstairs, all_the_way_up, behind_fence, bathroom, garage_left, on_fire_stairs, dr_by_stairs, JustlikeThatKel, ineedkel_back, GoKelGo!, ggz_cya, shoot_the_walls, go_down_kel, in_building, warehouse, front_of_house, go_bucky_go, go_down, Sex.exe, The_Hardener, outside, Krolowa, fan, closet_in_bthrm, nade_up_again, spec_is_afk, afk, reception_area, crawl_tunnel, gray_truck, climb_pole, go_back_up, other_stairs, turn_around, middle_of_map, Boom!, JUMP!!!, on_balcony, go_back_spec, spawn, Flick_Me, yes, WINNER!, go_Hite_go, run_n_gun_plz, 1_min, Come_Play_jig, u_are_:), thru_windows, top_of_first_bu, clothes_washing, gtg_ggz, ShowOff, REALLY_, Thx_Jig, tunnels, 1_st_floor, go_back_kilo, 2nd_fl_big_buil, Shhhh_dnt_tell_, dova_broke_it, go_down_:), garden, windows_evil, on_the_street, Murderer!, same_level_as_u, same_spot, omg, warehouse_upsta, The_Nigger, come_play, u_missed_the_bo, other_building, roof_:), Kitchen, Krow
Overall120 27 22% 14 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 0.80 Score: 169
kupidoncopDukeNukem, DukeNukem[UA], CarpetOnTheWall, DudeNukem, NewYear, opposite_buildi, 1st_floor
Overall140 14 10% 10 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 0.50 Score: 104
LinkeLoetjeNLLinkeLoet, LinkeLoetNL
Overall36 12 33% 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 5.00 Score: 506
Overall21 375 16 4% 49 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 0.33 Score: 250
MoSabahsawz, sawz_brb, God_Bless_USA, blah, slomo, kitchen, go_back, Foss, lag, brb, thanx_assholes, MoSabah, downstairs, ggs, water_tank, roof_by_tanks, SportsBra, _3, yard, go_down, behind_you, terminal, u_can_do_it, gotta_eat, upstairs_middle, tunnel, ima_watch, lower_level, roof, sawz_Claus, walk_on_pipe, jump_in, look_up, above_in_dark, foyer, thru_tunnel, ISEK, 3_down_below, Crayola, above, alley_above_tru, [Xmas]sawz, |MIP|Mr.Pink, by_tower, lowest_level
Overall75 11 14% 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 2.00 Score: 202
Mr_JigglyPuff0S*MrJigglyPuff, MrJigglyPuff, Jig, TheJigster, I_Am_JigglyPuff, GOLGO13, 0S*Jig-WillTK4$, Jig-Will-TK-4-$, **The_Jigster**, *0S*The_Jigster, 0S**The_Jigster, come_in_Bones, 0S*TheJigster, **TheJigster**, 0SCptBottleNeck, 0S*MrJig, 0S*Shhhhhhhhh, Hi_Baroness, Mr_JigglyPuff**, Hurricane-Jig, Village, up-middle_room, 0S*MrLovePuff, WorkOnMapsBish, WantSomeCheese_, CheckPMBish, 0S*KaputtPuff, 0S*MrWerePuff, poppie_poppie, HappyNewJiggly, JigglyLovePuff, 0S*YourName, 0$*MrJigglyPuff, 0S*MerryJiggly, 0S*HoHoHoJiggly, 0S*MisterJiggly, UncleTouchyPuff, 0S*SantaPuff, 0S*UncleTouchie, 0S*Puff-N-Stuff, Hey-twigo, spawn-dumpster, 0S*JigglyPuff, wtf_is_Rust_, no_thanks, want2enjoyRvS, 0S*MrMerryPuff, Laid_off, Still_Busy
Overall161 13 8% 22 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 0.56 Score: 242
OniMoanaOS*PrincessOni, OS*SexyNurseOni, FreshOni, GO_BACK, Jane, OS*VoyeurOni, Outside, OS*...*.*..., OtherSide, roof, OS*BreitesGrins, SomeChick, takeTIME, OS*Mrs.Oni, OS*Fantasy, MussPinkeln, LuvYaPops, CautionStairs, EinSüßesLuder, EinScharfesStüc, EinGeilesStück, KleinesGeiles, OS*OldLady, OS*Young'n'Swee, OS*SpeedyLuder, OS*SpeedysLuder, Feuchtgebiet, Rattenscharf, LUNCH, Mrs.Oni, unter_dir, OS*Wattebausch, OS*ZuluLuder, OS*KuschelnWill, Draußen, Full_Tower, SLOW, FUL, GoBackFence, HungryBrb, Tunnel, Brb, OS*ChocoPussy, behindMaskRoof, OS*Kittyhunter, NimmDirZeit, LEFT, OS*PussyKiller, MySecretLuvJigg, Blue, Pink, PinkMuffin, OS*GeilesLuder, below_you, GoSlow, OS*Unerfahren, OS*Cute, OS*LecktSpeedy, OS*Cuty, MachLangsam, NichLustich, OS*MrsOni, yellow_house_sp, Turn, IPaddress, Website, OS*Feuchtgebiet, Mitte, WatchWebsite, Crepes, OS*ExtremErfahr, OS*Unschuldig, OS*KleinesGeile, OS*Slow&Easy, OS*Sweety, OS*SexySweety, OS*MiladyOni, OS*EinGanzLiebe, osFrechesLiebes, OS*FrecheLiebe, clear, OS*SexyLadyOni, SweetTemptation, OS*JealousGirl, OS*SweetGirl, OS*Delicious, Oni, HOLE, OS*ZuluSpeedy, OS*SexyBeast, Strawberry, JiggyBabe, OS*LilSweetyOni, ...*.*..., CuteLilSweety, OS*BoesesLiebes, BoesesEtwas, NoChocoForJig, ZULUspeedy, Schnuffelchen, OS*Oni, VerenaAgina, BoesesMadel, BEHIND_YA, OS*Quicky, OS*MissNoSleep, OS*Voyeur, OS*Exhibitionis, OS*Blasebalg, KleinesLuder, OS*LaggyLadyOni, Y.E.X.S, OS*Y.E.X.S_Swee, OS*Y.E.X.S*Oni, OS*Y.X.E.S*Oni, YourDirtyHobby, OS*SweetSecret, OS*SpeedysNurse, OS*YourReward, multispawnREGAL, OS*Check, KleineGeileMaus, ZULUspeedy!, OS*SweetChili, OS*ZuluLady, RIGHT, OS*ScaryLady, LEFTcorner, OS*BewareBites, Snowball, OS*BunnyOni, behind_you, OS*SunshineOni, OS*ZuluLadyOni, Yellow, OS*GeileSau, OS*MiladyYeah, OS*VeryLaggyOni, OS*MuffinSweety, BEHIND, OS*JiggleBabe, OS*SweetLilOni, OS*OniMapTests, OS*OniTests_, Up, OS*OniTesting, OS*Zuluuu, OS*TestGoddess, OS*MildayOni, OS*SpeedyHunter, TurnNGo, OS*FairyOni, OS*SpeedyEater, OS*LilCutyOni, HINTER, Ahead..._not_le, OS*SuperLagOni, UpSpeedy, OS*EvilOni, OS*, CornerWall, OS*InvisibleOni, Ai, OS*LilGift
Overall27 58 872 64 7% 123 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 0.47 Score: 706
prockjwFoDDeR, roamer, HAHA, SupBich, sup_bich, comeget-tkd, jig_isa_noob, NOOB, map_list_name, JOHNDOE, jig=noob, jigsmybich, HaPPyNEWyeaR, u-suck, lan-login, join-lan-ip, ILL-move_U, BUT-I-AM-STONED, -IEF-STONER
Overall10 10 294 28 9% 23 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 1.00 Score: 429
Overall14 23 419 39 9% 46 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 0.61 Score: 428
Reinhart_StekinPeter_Enis, Peter_Enis(GER), Peter_Enis_GER, bon_apétit;-), JOHNDOESIT, JOHNDOE
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 0.00 Score: 0
rxs-100RXS, forest_gump, IM_PISSED, O_YES, -NATE-RXS, LADDER, where_eclipse_i, 1_on_castel_wal, PreOp, balcony_liying_, spawn_building_, above_my_dead_b, missed_one, flowers, garadge, 2-MANY-Eggs, out_back_, roof_at_begin, back_in_generat, enter_the_drago, underground, The_Hooded_Claw, book_case, in_toilet, ERU-VAN, door_that_wont_, Robbie_Excess, he_on_ladder, warehouse, BRB, take_telliport, DER_SHERIFF, under_boat, CAREFULL, forklift, go_back, ROOF, AT_LORRYS, UP, SCROOGE, UP_TOP, 1_outside_laydo, red_truck, under_ship, roof_building, under-ship, go_up_ladder
Overall10 509 34 6% 24 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 0.50 Score: 220
ssdrummerDrUmMeR, PiSToLeR, 1_middle_by_tru, ¦§¤§¦²Drummer, ¦§¤§¦²Dammitt, Krawola
Overall367 26 7% 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 1.67 Score: 170
Overall51 3% 10 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 0.20 Score: 43
VampyreChaos_ZOMBIESOLDIER_, CanadianBacon, =PsYcHo-SniPeR=, ZombieNightmare, Nightmare, Apocalyptic, Dementia, HeLLiSH_LuNaTiC, _KiLLeR_LuNaTiC, 1_in_a_Closet, TerroSmallPath, KiLLeR_LuNaTiC_, KiLLeR_InSTiNcT, KiLLeRiNsTiNcTs, KiLLeRiNsTiNcT, missed1Gate, Bathrooms, down_below, go_in_warp, very_bottom, missed1down, Right_corner, Above_very_top, I_N_JOYBIGBOOBS, KiLLeRDuBsTePs, 1min, Weed&Speed, Nearthere, SniprFrontTrain, Out_back, RightSideTop, Green_Ladder, MyRealFakeName, Big_Boxes, RoofWhiteTruck, 28_left, finish_it, ¦§¤§¦KïLL£R£vïL, 3RD_FLOOR, Sniper_On_Roof, ¦§¤§¦£vïL, ¦§¤§¦£vïL3up, ¦§¤§¦£vïLSniPeR, ¦§¤§¦Bleep, ¦§¤§¦DeMoN, ¦§¤§¦£vïLDicK, ¦§¤§¦Ñïghtmäre©, 2ndfloorbarn2, ¦§¤§¦£viLMeani£, ¦§¤§¦£viLS£X, ¦§¤§¦£viLS£Xy, ¦§¤§¦£viL©, ¦§¤§¦£viLMeaNiE, ¦§¤§¦²£viL, Up_middle, 2mins, Down_in_hole, Outside_clear, 4_Top, DarkHorse, ¦§¤§¦²£viLMeany, ¦§¤§¦²Torture, Behind_Wall, ¦§¤§¦²Torment, ¦§¤§¦²ToRTuReD, ¦§¤§¦²ToRmEnTeD, Roof_Clear, ¦§¤§¦²TeRRiFieD, ¦§¤§¦²TeRRoR, ¦§¤§¦²TeRRoRisT, KiLLeRRooF, ¦§¤§¦£viLKiLLeR, ThePeNeTRaToR, Alot_There, ¦§¤§¦£viLGiGGLe, ¦§¤§¦Terrorist, ¦§¤§¦RainbowSix, 3_in_hole, ¦§¤§¦Terrorist6, 2danstrou, go_back, ¦§¤§¦£viLRaT, ¦§¤§¦£viLFooKeR, ImNotReal, IDontExist, ¦§¤§¦²ÐëRåñGëÐ, ¦§¤§¦²ÐëMëñTëÐ", ¦§¤§¦²ÐëMëñTëЩ, ¦§¤§¦²ÐëMëñTëÐ, ¦§¤§¦²§iLëñT, ¦§¤§¦§iLëñT£viL, ¦§¤§¦²£viLÐëaÐ, ¦§¤§¦²ÐëaÐ, Clear_jeff, 1outside_middle, RightMountain, CornerStairs, Lowerlvl, ¦§¤§¦HoRRoR, §¤§¦£viL, ¦§¤§¦FreakaZoid, behind_u, 2_tunnel, MainEntrance, Down, GroundRamp, Controlroombelo, ¦§¤§¦²TheGrinch, jailotherside, {Xmas}TheGrinch, {Xmas}Epiphany, ¦§¤§¦²Epiphany, u_were_close2_1, ¦§¤§¦²LOL, {Xmas}Alien, AlienLeader, ReptilianAlien, {Iguanoid}Alien, The{Xmas}Alien, |MIB|Mr.Black, |MIG|Mr.Grey, |MIW|Mr.White, Ourspawn, Creepy, shower_area, 1UNDER, ¦§¤§¦²Dr.Death, 1roof, ChesterMolester, ¦§¤§¦²DoucheBag, ¦§¤§¦Conspiracy, ¦§¤§¦TheAnomaly, ¦§¤§¦²Black£viL
Overall152 21 13% 15 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 0.86 Score: 180
xtwingoxwetpants, TwingO, habba, outside_garden, smoko, Erwars, brainafk, Wing, coffee_brb, twig, ftwIg!, ftwing!, go_on, ftwing, from_behind, basement, gettheweeed, smoko_brb, outside_spawn, hello, ggz, R3D, MY_BAD, brb, finish_it, gdamn, take_ur_time, GZ!, finish, Mr.W, Mr.T, Misterti, MrT, hello_i_am_T, TWING, OST, T__II\I60, T`__II\I60, T\\`II\I60, jaja, bingobongo, Jallahadin, TwingO^, my_ba, 2_on_left_side, keep_on_goin, 2_inside, gmornin, hahahaha!, near_tower, twingeling, no, roof_clear, g2g_cya, clear, Twing0, left_open, roof_house, afk_brb, nUBI, takeUrTime, Twing^, DeadEnd, twing_el_ling, TwingKong, me!, by_my_body, coffee, Me2.0, bsss, center, afkbier, afk_beer, inside, keep_goin, up, bin_ma_wech, warehouse, akaT, outside, Tunnel, brb_smoko, ggzallcya, mybad, roofthatbldg, np, OSLattenkracher, OS*Urbock, ggz_cya, Hofnarr, roof_lionhead, OS*ohneAUTzurEM, gobackleftside, bunker, kkep_goin, OS*ichdichauch, OS*fear_me, OS*Lattenknalle, OS*Treffnix, carsaloon, shoot_the_barre, tea_brb, have2go__ggz_cy, small_warehouse, undercover, me2, ok, MoneySucks, Weber_Dieter, Louiselle_Louis, Eddie_Price, Elron_McBong, Gabba_Gandalf, warehouse_, outside_balcony, ggz_, in5ider, 1menarmy, 1ma, OS*FuzzY, OS*T, Fuzzy, getipfromn4, P.Ohoulihan, wet_pants, Jiglyyyyyyyyyyy, luvu2, office_oth_hang, nackt_, Jiglyooooo, noclue, ill_brb, spawn, cantine, schall&rauch
Overall16 14 326 42 12% 34 
Summary: Radio de Matados/Muertes: 1.14 Score: 756


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